News - Covid-19 Clinic Update (12/03/2020)

In light of recent developments, we wanted to reassure patients that the clinic is currently operating as usual.

As a medical clinic, our patients care is of the upmost importance to us, as is the wellbeing of our staff. Ensuring we can provide on going treatment and continuity of care whilst ensuring our staff work in a safe environment, always has and alway will be of the highest priority

We have robust infection control policies and procedures in place which are always adheared to. However we have implemented additional measures. We have increased the frequency of cleaning in the busier public areas. Additioanlly, from next week we will be extending appointment times and staggering appointment start times, the aim of this is to have one patient at a time in reception, however this cannot be gauranteed.

Staff are being updated regularly, and are fully briefed on the current Scottish Govenment Guidlines. We continue to monitor the situation closely and have been putting contingency plans in place. We are prepared to be able to quickly react to any change in guidance we are given and will update all our patients accordingly.

For more information on how to protect yourself from the coronavirus please visit the NHS website